The calming effect of aromatherapy

by Sarah
(Las Cruces, NM, USA)

Mountain Rose Herbs. A herbs, health and harmony cDue to my job I have had a lot of anxiety, stress, and fatigue. When I wind down from the day I try to place myself somewhere calm in my mind, which usually is a forest or lakeside.

I found out about aromatherapy, and have been using Patchouli and Sandalwood as ways to help myself relax and ease my mind. The more woody scent to these two is very calming and relaxing, a rich, earthy smell that really helps soothe me.

Aromatherapy is really a mood-altering experience, but the right tones have to be used. Using just anything will not always work. After a few days of using the scents, I noticed that I was actually looking forward to the next day, and my demeanor throughout the day had changed significantly.

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