Homemade Dog Treats

Make your own homemade dog treats and adding it with essential oils can make your dog super healthy!

OK, if you read the safety guideline about using essential oils for pets. Didn't it say clearly NOT to use essential oils on your dog's mouth? Oh well, not only dogs but other pets too. Yes, for safety reason you better not use essential oils for internal use.

Using essential oils internally has been controversial topic in several schools of aromatherapy. There are pros and cons about it. The decision whether you want to use it or not depends on the dog owner itself.

However, this is my thought - that some essential oils have been used in the food and beverage industry as natural flavors. In fact in France and Germany, they are already taking essential oils internally.

How to add the essential oils to homemade dog treats?

As you know dogs can tolerate essential oils better than other pets. But I'd suggest using only small quantities with dogs and for cats, just hydrosols!

Give 1 drop essential oil per 40 to 45 pounds of body weight per dose. To divide a single drop for smaller dogs, add 1 drop into a small amount of food and divide the food. Or dilute a measured number of drops in larger quantity of edible oil or carrier oil. For example 1 drop of essential oil in 1 teaspoon olive oil can be divided into 4 - 1/4 teaspoon or 8 - 1/8 teaspoon servings.

homemade dog treat

Please note:

Not all essential oils are safe to use always. Don't use it on a pregnant dog, dogs in frail health, seizure prone dogs and cats of all ages.

Use hydrosol for young puppies. Suzanne Catty recommends to use 1/4 teaspoon hydrosol per cup to water or tea brewing. According to her, dogs and cats can tolerate carrot seed hydrosol well.

To add hydrosol into the food, use 1 drop per pound of body weight per day.

Due to their sensitive nose, dogs and cats won’t drink the water if we mix it with hydrosol but they usually accept hydrosol in food!

If your dog has a bad breath, try adding these blends into their food.

Sweet Breath Blend :

Combine equal parts of caraway, chamomile, coriander and lavender essential oils. Use 1 drop for smaller dog, 2 drops for large dog, 3 drops for giant breeds.

This blend can be used with canned dog food or ready to buy dog food. But as you know they contain a lot of additives and preservatives that are unsafe for your dog's health. In fact, making a homemade dog treats is easier and a lot cheaper than commercial dog food brands.

Since my site is not about dog and I can't provide you with recipes for good homemade dog treats, but you can surely find plenty of them online


Since the topic is controversial. I'd like to open a discussion on whether we should try these blends on our dog or not? Please take a moment to vote.


C.J.Puotinen Natural Remedies for Dogs and Cats (McGraw-Hill Professional, 1999)

S. Catty Hydrosols : The Next Aromatherapy (Inner Traditions / Bear & Company, 2001)

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