Eye Lashes


Please can you advise of any remedy I can use to make my lashes thicker and longer?

Thank you

S. Asad

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Jan 09, 2010
Olive oil
by: Liani Widjaja

Hi S. Asad,

To answer your questions, I myself don't have any ideas on how to make your lashes grow thicker and longer.

I do have the same problems with you. try on several mascara which claim can have a thicker one, but none of them are work for me :).

Somehow I heard that olive oil can make your lashes grow thicker and longer. but how to use it. I don't have a clue. maybe you can search the net.

I am sorry, I wish that I can help you but this is the only info I can get.


Jan 09, 2010
Almond Oil for Eyelash Growth
by: S Asad

I have searched the net and found that almond oil is good to use.

Almond oil should only be applied to eyelashes at night before bed. It can be applied using your fingers, but make sure to wash them first. A drop or two should be massaged lightly into the eyelashes with the focus on the roots. Massage the almond oil up to the tips. Take care to apply it with a very light touch and to not get any oil in your eyes. In the morning, use a wet washcloth and dab the eyelids and lashes. Do not wipe as that might cause eyelashes to break or fall out.

It is best to use pure almond oil. If it's mixed with other products or ingredients, don't use it on the eyelashes.

Jan 11, 2010
by: Liani Widjaja

Hi S. Asad,

Thanks for the info. Please get back to me and tell me if your lashes grow longer and thicker as I will follow your step.:)


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