Essential Oils for Cellulite

Before we discuss about essential oils for cellulite, I want to describe more about what is cellulite itself.

Cellulite is characterized by dimpled lumps in appearance. It is commonly known as orange peel for its resemblance to the reference.

The areas commonly having cellulite is the thighs, back of arms and is caused by the storage of fat plus fluids and even toxins. Due to poor circulation of lymphatic fluid and some affected by hormonal changes cellulites build up. In general, no one wants this on them.

Essential Oils for Cellulite Essential Oils for Cellulite

There are a couple of factors causing cellulite such as: Water retention, Hormonal fluctuation, Sluggish lymph, Poor diet and Poor blood circulation

Treating cellulite is not as easy, and realistically this is the perception of many. The toxins stored are bound by the collagen fibers making the adipose tissues look greater in volume. This causes the orange peel effect.

A treatment involving the implication of essential oils through massage therapy will help increase the much needed lymph and blood circulation to flush the toxins out thus resulting to a much clearer looking skin without the lumps. The massage relaxes the muscles while the essential oils will aid in expelling the unwanted toxins so it works 2 ways.

Essential Oils for cellulite treatment

Essential Oils for Cellulite Cellulite Removal Blend
contain Essential Oils
for Cellulite

These essential oils for cellulite treatment are those with qualities such as diuretic for decreasing water retention, appetite suppression that will act as a catalyst in regulating one’s cravings and lastly is as detoxifying agents to eliminate the toxins by encouraging better lymphatic circulation.

Juniper also scientifically identified as Juniperus Communis is an effective diuretic to decrease fluid retention. This essential oil is also noted as an excellent detoxifying agent for the expulsion of toxins from the system.

Rosemary also scientifically identified as Rosmarinus Officinalis is a perfect choice as a diuretic too. This essential oil type is good for improving lymphatic circulation that is a good effect for cases related to Cellulites.

Cypress known as Cupressus sempervirens is notable due of its quality that induces vasoconstriction that is perfect for treating varicose veins. This is also a good diuretic.

Pelargonium graveolens also known as Geranium is an effective diuretic since it is able to induce better circulation of lymphatic fluid eradicating toxins. Geranium is also a good skin product component for its balancing quality that helps regulate the production of sebum.

Lemon scientifically identified as Citrus Limon has the quality to stimulate the sense of olfaction. This also helps in treating Varicose when combined with cypress.

Lavender that is name lavandula agaustifolia is a good agent in treating stretch marks.

Grapefruit essential oil from its natural source scientifically identified as Citrus Paradisi is good for decongesting skin pores and also regulating the production of skin oil. This essential oil is a tonic to the integument and other tissues. This is also a good choice for battling cellulite.

The pressure exerted by a massage is helpful in improving circulation for both blood and lymph. The essential oils used in massages penetrate into the dermal layer breaking the cellulite build up and then expelling them.

Carrier Oils

Essential Oils for Cellulite Anti Cellulite Massage Oil
contain Essential Oils
for Cellulite

Aromatherapy is not solely the utilization of essential oils but also the use of other byproducts to go with them. Carrier oils are diluting agents that are needed so the essential oils may be applied to the skin. Essential oils are highly concentrated that the risk of irritation of the skin is high. Essential oils infused with carrier oils make the blend usable for massages.

In treating cellulites there are certain preferred carrier oils to use that will go with the essential oils(s). Few of these essential oils are used in minimal quantity so combining it with essential oils is ideal. Below is a list of these preferred carrier oils:

Avocado oil from Avocado identified as Persea americana is a good carrier oil for treating dry skin, mature skin and even the sensitive skin type. This carrier oil will help increase the skin’s permeability allowing the essential oil to penetrate beyond the dermal layer.

Grape seed oil from Vitus vinifera is carrier oil that is characterized by a clear appearance and is almost odorless. This carrier oil is light in texture and has a gentle astringent quality. This carrier oil induces hastened cell regeneration that is good for tissue repair.

Roseship oil is originated from Rosa rubignosa. This carrier oil contains high content of gamma linoleic acid (GLA) that promotes cell regeneration. Other uses of this carrier oil is application on scars, stretch marks, burns and may act as an antioxidant.

Jojoba oil is derived from Simmondsia chinensis and is polyunsaturated in make. This is in a liquid wax form. This carrier oil type is best for regulating moisture on the skin. This carrier oil does not go rancid unlike the others.

The application of Aromatherapy essential oil blends in massages is an effective way of improving the appearance of cellulite. Additionally, the attributes of the essential oils used that positively affects the state of mind and emotion is not diminished.

Some Example Recipes

Example of blend recipes using Essential oils for cellulite:

Anti Cellulite Skin Lotion


  • 125 ml Unscented natural lotion base
  • 8 drops of Lavender, juniper and geranium essential oils
  • Then add double of the quantity above which is 16 drops of each Cypress and lemon Essential Oil
  • Plus 20 ml Witch Hazel


Mix all the ingredients into a cup until the texture is uniform. The mixture may then be placed in a clean bottle. It is advised that this blend be applied after shower in the morning. The application is procedurally done by circular-upward motion until the applied amount is absorbed by the skin.

Cellulite Massage Oil :

  • 3 drops of each Cypress, lemon adn juniper Essential Oil
  • 15 ml Carrier oil your choice

Instruction : The carrier oil, as the base of this formula, must be placed in an amber dark bottle and then the other essential oils may be added.

Don't forget to buy Pure Essential oils only at Mountain Rose Herbs. Their essential oils is one of the best. I really love their smell and also therapeutic value. Find more about them!

See Other Uses of Essential Oils

Massage with essential oils for cellulite

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From Essential oils for cellulite To Aromatherapy Blends Recipes.

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