Bitter Almond Oil on Skin

by R.Sumrein

Hi Liani,

How are you ? hope everything is O.K . I would like to know if you have any factual information about bitter almond oil on the skin , I know that it is poisonous if taken internally but i have read that when used on the skin it is great so how true is this?

Thanks and Take care

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Apr 26, 2010
by: Deb

Hi, I've also read that bitter almond has some benefits, but mostly anti-fungal, anti-parasite. Everything you put onto your skin goes into your skin. Lavender is an excellent fungi fighter and it will not make you sick.

Apr 26, 2010
Some countries uses it for medical uses
by: Liani


Thanks for keep coming back to this site. And I hope you're doing fine too.

Bitter Almond oil which contain amygdalin or benzaldehyde are claimed for cancer remedies. Lebanese use it for skin problems including white leukoderma like skin patch.

And in the middle east, this oil used to alleviate itching. Raw oil from bitter variety can be used to treat acne.

And yes.. I agree with Debs. Lavender and tea tree are the most common oils for skin problems


Source: CRC handbook of medicinal spices By James A. Duke.

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