Aromatherapy and Common Ailments for Children

Aromatherapy and common ailments
for children - What is it and how to use it.

There are various ways in the application of aromatherapy and its materials that focuses on personal health and for most part reinforcing prevention or recovery from ailments. These substances are derived from the environment specifically from herbs, foliage or flora. These essential extracts have notable therapeutic effects.

In our society the most vulnerable of our generation are the children. One, they do not have a fully developed immune system to allow them to quickly acclimate from any cases of infection though there are vaccines developed for life threatening diseases fortifying ones immunity cannot be done overnight. Some people may have to get exposed to certain levels of infection to a certain strain of pathogenic factor to allow their immune response to recognize the routes in creating antibodies and with this the individual is able to prepare for a subsequent infection of the same or similar strain.

Considering the capability of children’s immune response there may be a noted period before an antibody is developed by their disease fighting cells and during the interim, form the onset of the disease to recovery, the infection may elevate the level of damage done to their bodies.

Below is a list of the essential oils for aromatherapy that may be used for children’s common ailments:

Roman Chamomile, Lemon , Rose, Marjoram, Eucalyptus, Mandarin, Sweet orange, Jasmine, Geranium, Neroli , Tea tree, Sandalwood, and Lavender are essential oils that can be used safely with children. However, children with epilepsy should not come in contact with stimulating essential oils. Always research the oil of choice thoroughly before using with your infant or child and ask advice from a qualified practitioner.

Do not confuse natural essential oils with therapeutic effects and those artificial scented oil substances since the latter does not have the same quality, purity and effects and may also cause irritation of the integument or whichever part of the body it is applied to.

Formula of essential oils will have to be adjusted since it will be used for children. The preferred ratio is five to six drops of a selected essential oil to an ounce of carrier oil. Normally adult formula of essential oils may be reduced to up to half or a third of the dose for adults. The use of essential oils derived form citrus source may irritate the skin so extreme caution should be observed. Also, the direct application of the blend of essential oils may be too intense specifically for children under five years old. The use of a more indirect method of application is most preferred like use of candles laced with the essential oil or a diffuser. Exposure to this substance is advised only up to ten minutes.

If you want to make an aromatherapy bath or massage you can replace the essential oils with floral water or hydrosol.

As the child grows older, there are more oils that become appropriate for use.

Carrier oils that are used in aromatherapy and common ailments for children would be Sweet Almond Oil which is one of the most commonly used for creating aromatherapy blend of essential oils. This carrier oil is appropriate to the delicate skin of children and infants.

Beside sweet almond oil, you may use apricot Kernel Oil which is also commonly used for children of 6 years and beyond.

Aromatherapy and Common Ailments Blends

Aromatherapy and Common Ailments for Children Aromatherapy and common
ailments blends recipes
for children

Some recipes for aromatherapy and common ailments for children are:

A loving nurturing touch of massage:

  • 2 drops Roman Chamomile
  • 3 drops lavender
  • 1 drops orange
  • 1 ounce of Sweet Almond oil

Massage on the forehead and temples, neck, back and legs.

Tummy Rub Oil

In cases related to the digestion a tummy rub might just work with the right blend of oils. This type of oil combination may be made with two drops of roman chamomile, a drop of each- fennel, Melissa and carrier oil and then two drops of dill essential oil.


Hold the affected area under running cold water then apply a cold compress to which you have added two drops of pure essential oil of lavender.

Coughs and colds massage:

  • 2 drops cajeput
  • 2 drops Tea Tree
  • 2 drops lavender
  • 1 ounce sweet almond oil.

The components of this mix helps in preventing the furtherance of the infection, rid of the mucus or phlegm, relief from irregular contraction and dilation of the bronchus resulting as spasm and ultimately relaxation.

Diarrhoea massage

Diarrhoea may be caused by an infection, an allergy to food, certain drugs or by stress. The replacement of lost fluid and electrolytes is essential in prevention dehydration which is one of the greatest threats of this condition.

  • 2 drop ginger
  • 2 drop neroli
  • 2 drop Roman chamomile
  • 1 ounce of sweet almond

The combination of essential oils may be used in easing the symptoms of this condition by using it with hot compresses or applied to the abdomen and massage gently.

Minor wounds

First, clean the area thoroughly to prevent any infection. Add one drop of tea tree and one drop of lavender to a hot water. Use it to clean the wound. Place one drop of lavender essential oils on a sticking plaster. This will make the healing process faster.


  • 1 drops of lavender
  • 1 drops of Roman Chamomile
  • 1 drops of Tea Tree

Place the essential oils in warm water. Use it to compress the forehead or wrap it around the feet.

Please note that all the recipes are only for children from 5 to 12 years old.

This is only a brief overview of aromatherapy and common ailments for children. If you would like to know more, there are many reputed sources for your needs.

For futher reading, I suggested :

"Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child" by Valerie Ann Woorwood.

“Aromatherapy For Babies And Children” by Shirley Price

The essential oils mentioned within this article are recognized as safe for most individuals – if you or your child are recognized as having a specific illness, and/or are under a doctor's regular care, please consult an appropriate practitioner before proceeding.

Beside Aromatherapy and common ailments for children, There are other aromatherapy treatment that useful such as:

Aromatherapy and Colds. - Aromatherapy and colds, The use of essential oils and other recipes that will make you better.

Aromatherapy and Anxiety. - Find out the information about anxiety and how aromatherapy heal anxiety.

Find out which are essential oils for high blood pressure to use.

Essential oils for Hemorrhoids. - Natural treatment are always the best option, using essential oils for hemorrhoids treatment is both easy and highly effective way to give yourself hemorrhoids relief.

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