Aromatherapy for Relaxing

by Patricia Treskovich

I was under a lot of stress from my own health problems, and being the single caregiver of a handicapped mother. I used lavender scent to help us both relax and fall asleep.

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Mar 29, 2009
Attention to Patricia
by: Liani Widjaja

Hi Patricia,

Thank you for your sharing. Please contact me using this form.

Thank you.

Apr 30, 2009
Re:- Aromatherapy for Relaxing
by: Alice J. Lussier

Aromatherapists point out that a person's own memories and associations with an aroma can have a positive or negative effect. If a despised teacher always smelled of lavender, you may find the scent unappealing. So you might start with your personal favorite scents when looking for a relaxing aroma.

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